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New explainer video on the Circular Economy (and Bicycles)!

New explainer video on the Circular Economy (and Bicycles)!

Dr. Courtney Szto, Assistant Professor at Queen’s University, CSS Affiliate, and member of the Mobilizing Sport and Sustainability Collective, explains the circular economy, referring to the ‘life’ of bicycles as an example, in this explainer video. Visit the Sport and Sustainability Media and Education Resource to watch the video!

News coverage and new article on gender equality and upcoming Paris Olympics

News coverage and new article on gender equality and upcoming Paris Olympics

CSS Leadership Team member Dr. Andrea Bundon and CSS Affiliate Dunja Antonovic are featured in coverage on gender equality and the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympics in two new articles. They emphasize strategies for promoting gender equity across levels of competition. Read the articles below: Why the 2024 Paris Olympics are Pivotal for Gender Equity in […]

Event recap: Gavin Weedon on Active Bodies in the Anthropocene

Event recap: Gavin Weedon on Active Bodies in the Anthropocene

Dr. Gavin Weedon is Associate Professor in Sociology of Sport, Health and the Body and Head of the Sport and Society Research Group in the Department of Sport Science at Nottingham Trent University. Gavin is visiting UBC’s Centre for Sport and Sustainability this month, supported by an international research partnership grant he received through NTU, […]