cIRcle – Sport and Sustainability
A new cIRcle project dedicated to documenting research on Sport & Sustainability where we will make reports, presentations, thesis, videos, and conference proceedings publicly available.
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Feature: The cIRcle 2010 Olympics Project
The cIRcle Olympics Project (October 2009—April 2011) was a unique effort to gather, showcase and preserve UBC’s intellectual output related to the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Targeted content included research and teaching outputs, proceedings or webcasts of conferences and other events, and any other material that was Olympics inspired and of long-term value. Over the course of 18 months, material was gathered in a variety of formats on a range of Olympics related topics from ethics and sustainability to inclusivity and social responsibility. The result is a unique collection of valuable material that receives thousands of views and downloads from around the world and serves as an important record of UBC’s significant contribution to the Vancouver Olympic Legacy.
Access the UBC and the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games Collection