
Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of the 2014 Games

Matt Dolf, a PhD Candidate in the UBC School of Kinesiology and working for the Centre for Sport and Sustainability, used the Games to conduct a first environmental life-cycle assessment of a multi-sport event. The purpose is to measure the  environmental impact of the Games, cradle to grave, in order for the organizers to take this information into account when selecting areas to target their efforts. 

Environmental Behaviour Psychology with 2014 Games Sustainability Passports

During the Games Leila Scannell, a postdoctoral research fellow with UBC’s Sustainable Building Science Program, and a team of UBC and UVic graduate and post-doc students conducted a study to explore the motivations of individuals with intellectual disabilities to engage in pro-environmental behaviour as well as to determine what types of motivational techniques best engages participants in sustainability behaviour.

UBC News article about Matt Dolf and Leila Scannell research here.