QRSE @ UBC, June 6-8 2018

From June 6-8th, the University of British Columbia played host to the 6th International Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise. Over three days, sport scholars from around the world converged on our beautiful campus to share some of the latest qualitative research in the field.

Among the highlights, Dr. Virginia Braun (Professor in the School of Psychology at The University of Auckland, New Zealand), Dr. Brett Smith (Professor and Director of Research in the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Birmingham, UK), and Dr. Andy Miah (Chair in Science Communication and Future Media in the School of Environment and Life Sciences at the University of Salford, UK) each delivered three informative and inspiring keynote talks.

Check back soon for a recap of the event, and for more information about some of the presentations delivered by the CSS Leadership Team and other related projects.