Think Tank 2: Sport Mega-Event Impacts, Leveraging, and Legacies

November 11-12, 2011

Click here to view the TT2 Overview Report

The Centre held its second think tank on the topic of Sport Mega-Event Impacts, Leveraging, and Legacies. This invitational event brought together 22 leading researchers from across the globe for an intensive two day session. The event was also be preceded by a one-day graduate student symposium.

Sport mega-events have taken on an increasingly visible and prominent role in cities and countries around the world. Commanding a massive expenditure of valuable resources, these events have been linked and debated in regards to their positive and negative economic, social, and environmental benefits. Today a burgeoning consensus exists, one that argues for conceptions of planned legacies as the outgrowth of ongoing impact evaluation, strategic leveraging, and broad-based consultation. This Think Tank has been designed to advance the field of planned legacies by providing the kinds of detail and conceptual analysis to reconcile gaps in impact evaluation, legacy definition, and leveraging strategies while remaining mindful of locally meaningful contexts.

Last year, during the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games, UBC hosted its first Think Tank: Sports Mega-Events, Sustainability & Impact Assessment bringing together experts in the fields of event management, sustainability, and indicator analysis.

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Think Tank 2 Supporters

This Think Tank has been supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council through Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences in Canada. The Think Tank is also sponsored by the UBC Faculty of Education as well as the UBC Centre for Sport and Sustainability.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Faculty of Education
Centre for Sport and Sustainability