Think Tank 3: Location

Liu Institute for Global Issues

6476 North West Marine Drive Vancouver V6T 1Z2 (detailed map with accessibility information)


Coast Coal Habour Hotel (Downtown)

Google Map

(Green drop is the Event Location)



There is no parking provided at the Liu Institute for Global Issues – please use one of the nearby lots. A passenger and delivery drop off loop serves the NW Marine Drive entrance; it cannot be used for parking. Similarly the shared access to the International House, a designated fire lane, is required to be clear at all times. Parking demands a great deal of space. It is worth noting that the average area required for a single parked vehicle is roughly twice that of a private office at the Liu Institute.

Bike racks are available at the Liu Institute however be advised to lock your bike up well as bike theft at UBC is common.


We recommend West Coast Suites on campus for your accommodation.